Lakeside Theatre Café Easter break opening hours
Mon 3 Apr 2023
The Lakeside Theatre Café will be open this Easter!
We’re opening our café’s doors over the Easter break. For students busy preparing for exams and studying on campus, we’ll be offering a welcome food and drink break. For staff working on campus over the break, we’ll be there for all of your informal meeting and food and drink needs!
Easter break opening hours:
- Wednesday 5 April, 9am to 4pm
- Tuesday 11 April, 12noon to 4pm
- Wednesday 12 April, 12noon to 4pm
- Thursday 13 April, 12noon to 4pm
- Friday 14 April, 12noon to 4pm
- Monday 17 April, 12noon to 4pm
- Tuesday 18 April, 12noon to 4pm
- Wednesday 19 April, 9.30am to 4pm
- Thursday 20 April, 12noon to 4pm
- Friday 21 April, 12noon to 4pm
- Saturday 22 April, 10am to 1pm
Don’t forget to book your advance tickets for the Lakeside Theatre’s showings of Firebringer (14 and 15 April) and NT Live’s GOOD (20 April)!