A Homegrown Season production by Warimi Karogo.
Set in the dark, claustrophobic confines of a hand-dug mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the play follows the harrowing journey of two child miners, Manny and Tyo, brothers who become trapped underground.
As they struggle to find a way out, their bond and resilience are tested against the backdrop of exploitative mining practices rooted in colonialism. Mine/Ors is a powerful exploration of the adultification of Congolese children, brotherhood, love, hope and the quest for dignity amidst systemic oppression.
Mine/Ors is supporting Friends of the Congo.
Raise the consciousness of the world community on the challenge of the Congo and support Congolese institutions in bringing about a peaceful and lasting change.
“Breaking the Silence Congo Week is a week of activities that commemorates the millions of lives lost in the Congo conflict while celebrating the enormous human and natural potential that exists in the country. Communities throughout the globe join in partnership with Congolese each year on the third week of October to screen films, hold teach-ins and forums, organize rallies, host fundraisers, put on concerts and undertake many other activities to elevate the profile of the Congo throughout the globe. Students and community organizers initiated Congo Week in 2008. Religious leaders, scholars, intellectuals, artists, and ordinary people throughout the globe also got involved to acknowledge the lives of the Congolese people and their pursuit for human dignity”
Head to the Friends of the Congo website to donate and support.