Mr Darcy Loses the Plot

Thu 23 Nov

Jane Austen is dreaming up Darcy, a proud, lip-curling handsome creation in very tight pants. But then a door squeaks, a visitor approaches and Jane hastily hides her work. Mr Darcy is left dangling. Left to his own devises he embroiders his own storyline while his creator stitches her quilt.

When she returns she finds Darcy is diving into a lake in a clinging white shirt, dancing the Berzerka (a more extreme version of the Masurka) and wrestling carp.

‘An absolute joy from start to finish’ (North West End)

‘On leaving the venue you feel a hundred times more invigorated than when you went in, with the chuckle muscles positively aching at the glorious lunacy’  (Yorkshire Post)

  • Thu 23 Nov
  • 19:30
  • £6 UoE Students / £9 Concession / £13 Full. Advance prices. More on the door.
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