Fri 13 May

A new bilingual dance performance by Complicite Associate, Shane Shambhu.

Shane is using his inimitable wit, charm, skill and a mesmerising command of movement to create a humorous, honest and engaging new autobiographical solo with an acclaimed team of collaborators, including award-winning writer Jonathan Lichtenstein, National Theatre Associate.

By reflecting on his personal narrative of learning and performing Indian dance in the UK, Shane plays with the ways in which race, language and identity are perceived.

Join us for a fun and revealing night out!

Visit the My Inside Playground Project Homepage and Shane Shambhu’s website.

The event is presented in conjunction with Shane’s workshop Page to Stage on Thursday 12 May. Discounts are available when booked with the show.

Price list:
UoE Students: £6 Workshop / £5 Show / £10 Both
Concessions: £9 Workshop / £8 Show / £12 Both
Full Price: £12 Workshop / £12 Show / £14 Both

  • Fri 13 May
  • 19:30
  • 5 UoE / £8 Concessions / £12 Full
Book Now