Mon 29 Feb

This event celebrates the work of two new Professors in the School of Health and Human Sciences and the Department of Psychology

Inequality and mortality
Professor David Pevalin
School of Health and Human Sciences

Social inequalities in avoidable and early deaths have persisted and, in some cases, widened over a time when the rates of most preventable causes of death have fallen and life expectancy has risen. Fundamental social determinants of inequalities in health and mortality have yet to be seriously addressed. Professor David Pevalin outlines his research into health inequalities drawing on large-scale data from the UK.

How your brain creates your reality
Professor Paul Hibbard
Department of Psychology

We live in a vivid, three-dimensional world, despite the fact that what we see is based on the flat, 2D images formed in our two eyes. Somehow, our brain is able to create the 3D world of our experience from these 2D images.  How this is achieved and how the results relate to the physical world around us, are some of the oldest and most difficult questions in science and philosophy.  Yet they are also highly relevant to our digital world, in which we can create virtual realities that are just as vivid as the real thing.


  • Mon 29 Feb
  • 18:00
  • Free
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