Frontrunner blog: ‘Nice to meet you!’

Fri 22 Jun 2018

Hi I’m Matthew. I’m 19 Years old and I am Lakeside Theatre’s new Marketing and Events Frontrunner Plus for the summer.

I heard about Frontrunners during the first year of my Theatre Studies degree, while receiving a talk from the Careers Hub. They explained the opportunities available and guided me to placements I’d be most suitable for – the Lakeside Theatre placement ticked all the boxes!

I’ve only been in this post for two weeks and already this placement is giving me opportunities to learn the ins and outs of running a theatre.

I’m particularly excited to be supporting the team with the running of the Youth Theatre on Saturdays which helps me prepare for post-uni life – I want to be a teacher!

Best thing about being the newbie in the team? Everyone made me feel comfortable straight away. Even the Interview was relaxed and fun, giving me the chance to explain my strengths and show my willingness to develop.

I know this placement will help me become more rounded in my knowledge of the theatre industry and give me the experience I need to progress with the next steps in my life. I’ve loved working on the stage as a student and I can’t wait to see where working behind the scenes will take me!

I’ll be updating you along my journey, so keep an eye on this blog.

P.S If you’re interested in working with Lakeside Theatre, there are three frontrunner positions up for grabs starting in the Autumn term. The deadline for applications is today!