Coming up

Meet the cast: Jess from ‘The Flop’

Mon 1 Oct 2018

Described by critics as a “hoot”, The Flop is coming to Lakeside Theatre this Thursday (4 October) and we can’t wait!
We chat with actress Jess Mabel Jones, who plays Marie in the ‘saucy farce’. She tells us about the importance of making inclusive theatre (and corpsing on stage!)

Actress Jess Mabel Jones as Marie

What got you interested in theatre?

It started with the year 6 production of Bugsy Malone at primary school.

Who is the most inspiring person you’ve worked with and why?

Anyone who is kind and anyone who creates an inclusive, joyful and democratic working environment.

What formal training have you done?

I trained at Rose Bruford.

Do you have any specialist skills which you work into your repertoire?

I’m a puppeteer!

Which role do you regard as the highlight of your career to date?

In 2015 Touretteshero and I turned our myth-busting comedy show into a live TV special. It was the last ever broadcast from the iconic Television Centre before its demolition. You can watch it on BBC iPlayer (our programme, not the demolition).

What has been your most embarrassing moment on stage?

Any one of my early-career gigs.

Ever corpsed on stage?

All the time. If you’re not finding it funny, it’s probably not a funny show.

Big plans for the future?

To make new work with brilliant people.

Any advice for aspiring theatre-makers?

Be kind, be inclusive, take care of each other and expect to be cared for. Call out what’s not good enough. Talk lots and expect to learn from one another. Fight for those not privileged enough to be in the room, or better, invite them in.

Want to see Jess and the rest of the Hijinx team in The Flop this Thursday?  Book your ticket HERE.
(p.s two members of our Lakeside Team watched the show at the Edinburgh Fringe and LOVED it.)