Don Kipper Klezmer Quartet

Wed 24 Jan

Klezmer quartet Don Kipper present a special Holocaust Memorial Week performance.

Don Kipper are a multi award-winning ensemble playing and transforming a wide range of traditional musical forms reflecting the cultural diversity of North East London. While we attempt to root ourselves deeply in the traditions that surround us, we seek to explore radical interpretations and taut arrangements full of complex harmonies, rhythms and imaginative improvisation.

Join them on journey into the world of Eastern European Jewish music making, from hectic hongas and frantic freylekhs, to tranquil Dobridens and soulful Doinas.

Over the course of the evening Don Kipper will tell you of the stories and the lives of great Klezmer musicians (the Klezmorim) of the past and help bring to life this most durable of traditions.

  • Wed 24 Jan
  • 19:30
  • £6 UoE Students / £9 Concession / £13 Full. Advance prices. More on the door.
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