PIL: Evaluating Predictive Policing in the Fight Against Crime

Mon 05 Dec

Professor Giovanni Mastrobuoni
Department of Economics

Data analytics are increasingly being harnessed in the name of improving the productivity of police officers. Forecasting future criminal acts has been made possible by predictive policing software which combines advanced statistical algorithms with detailed crime data. But can predicting crime ever reduce crime?

Our Professorial Inaugural Lecture series celebrates excellence in research undertaken by our recently appointed professors. It’s a privilege to have leading global thinkers at our University and through this lecture series we are keen to share our very best research, to exchange ideas and inspire you.

Conducting internationally significant research means our lecturers always have their fingers on the pulse and academics at Essex are at the forefront of the latest research findings and emerging trends. Our new professors will offer enlightening explanations on their own specialist subjects in areas such as sociology, politics, health and human sciences, psychology, computer science and electronic engineering, history, biological sciences, sports science and economics.

The lectures will be available to view online at www.vimeo.com/uniofessex

Find out more about the series at www.essex.ac.uk/events/pil

T 01206 873270


Free admission and open to all – booking advised

  • Mon 05 Dec
  • 18:00
  • FREE
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