Coming up

Youth Theatre Autumn Term 2022

Sat 10 Sep - Sat 17 Dec

Every Saturday, we open our doors to talented young people.

They come to learn acting and directing skills, meet new friends and gain confidence in a professional theatre.

Our weekly workshops (school term time only) are led by theatre-makers and drama students who support participants to get creative in small groups and then come together to share ideas.

At the end of each term, we’ll take to the stage to showcase their new skills.

Who we’re looking for

  • 7-18 year olds
  • No acting experience necessary, just enthusiasm, curiosity and commitment!

Something to look forward to…

We’re proud to be part of Connections, the National Theatre’s annual festival of new plays for youth theatre.

The festival gives young people the chance to experience professional theatre-making from set design, costume making, lighting and stage management.

Times and ages
7-11yrs (10am-11.15am)
11-18yrs (11.15am-1.15pm)

Contact us to find out more:

Payment for sessions (both age groups) running Saturday 10th September – Saturday 17th December (no session Saturday 5th November).

If your child has been granted a bursary, please contact first.

  • Sat 10 Sep - Sat 17 Dec
  • 7-11 years 10am - 11.15am/ 11-18 years 11.15am - 1.15pm
  • £65 OR £70 a term
Book Now
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